What to do in:
- Pot up basil to grow on an indoor windowsill. In most areas it will die of with winter’s arrival.
- May’s the last chance to finish planting spring bulbs.
- In warm, frost-free districts, cut back tibouchinas immediately after they’ve finished flowering.
- As soon as possible after purchasing lilium bulbs, plant them into humus-rich soil.
- When mowing, leave lawns a little longer than usual. They will cope better with the cooler conditions.
- Plant out all winter/spring flower and vegetable seedlings.
- Cut back and lift dahlia tubers as plants die down.
- In cold areas, build structures that will support frost protection (such as shadecloth or plastic covering).
- Indoor chrysanthemums will last for weeks in a well-lit indoor position. They can then be planted out in the garden.
- As weather cools reduce watering of indoor plants and use tepid (rather than cold) water.
- SEEDS TO SOW: Primula, Wallflower, Scabiosa, Broad Beans, Chinese Cabbage, Onions.