What to do in:
- Plant asparagus crowns in the base of a 20cm deep trench. As the shoots grow, fill the trench with organically rich soil to which a little lime has been added.
- Look out for summer-flowering perennials and bulbs. There are some interesting varieties available at this time of year.
- Take hardwood cuttings of deciduous plants such as grapevines.
- Buy and plant bare-rooted roses.
- As azalea buds show colour, begin spraying with Mancozeb. This protects against the fungal disease, petal blight.
- If camellia buds don’t open properly, it may that the plant is in the wrong position. This is a good time of year to move camellia plants to a more sheltered spot.
- Feed growing bulbs with Aquasol.
- Cut back sasanqua camellias after they’ve finished flowering.
- Leave cyclamens in unheated rooms at night.
- Pick silver beet by pulling off the outside leaves as they’re needed. This prolongs the harvest period.
- SEEDS TO SOW: Gypsophila, Dianthus, Candytuft, Linaria, Statice, Delphiniums, Peas, Broad Beans, Cabbages