What to do in:
- In cold districts, seeds can be raised indoors on a warm windowsill, or by covering seed tray with a sheet of plastic.
- Prune roses in temperate areas and give a follow-up spray with Lime Sulphur.
- Prune most deciduous fruit trees.
- Spray citrus with a weak white oil solution to control the very young nymphal stages of bronze orange bug.
- Don’t forget to fertilise winter growing vegetables with Aquasol.
- Spray stone fruit at pink bud stage with Leaf Curl spray to control rot and leaf curl.
- In warm districts, take frangipani cuttings. Leave to dry for a week before planting.
- Buy and start a mushroom farm.
- Leave frost-damaged sections of plants in place until the last frosts are over. This will provide protection for other parts.
- Don’t be in too much of a hurry to harvest asparagus. It should be at least three years old before it’s cut, but it will go on producing for many years.
- Reduce frost injury by gently hosing over plant material first thing in the morning.
- SEEDS TO SOW: Alyssum, Dianthus, Delphinium, Statice, Senposai, Kohlrabi, Silver Beet
- Winter Planting: Rhubarb Crowns, Raspberry Canes, Amaryllis, Tuberoses, Waterlilies.