What to do in:
- Prune spring-flowering roses as they finish blooming.
- Look out for plague thrips, tiny sap-sucking insects. They love to infest light-coloured flowers. Spray with Baythroid, Confidor or Yates Pyrethrum.
- Fertilise every plant in the garden.
- Dig gypsum and organic matter into clay soils to improve drainage.
- Sow radishes in the same bed as carrots to improve carrot germination.
- Lightly cut back natives as they finish flowering.
- Pinch back chrysanthemums to promote bushy growth.
- Plan and plant Christmas colour.
- Fruit fly is a problem in some districts. As fruit develops, begin a control program.
- SEEDS TO SOW: Celosia, Zinnia, Gerbera, Cosmos, Zucchinis, Sweet Corn, Pumpkins