What to do in:
- Mulch all garden beds to conserve precious moisture. It’s best to use organic material like old manure, lucerne hay or mushroom compost.
- Apply Ready-to-use Rose Spray regularly to control pest and disease problems on roses.
- Keep white fly numbers under control by regularly spraying with pyrethrum.
- Check citrus trees for scale and leaf miner. Spray with Pest Oil.
- Buy spring bulbs while the greatest choice is available.
- Azalea leaf discolouration is most often caused by azalea lace bug. Control with Confidor.
- Replace mulch that’s been washed away by heavy summer rains.
- Feed citrus trees with citrus food or Organic Fertiliser.
- Put tulip and hyacinth bulbs into the crisper section of the fridge for a pre-planting chill.
- Lawns can suffer badly from fungal diseases at this time of year. Regular fertilising with Lawn Fertiliser will improve grass vigour.
- Re-pot container plants into fresh Potting Mix.