What to do in:
- Autumn is the best time of the year for planting trees and shrubs. They have time to establish before the cold weather really hits.
- Check cherry, pear and hawthorn trees for the slimy black caterpillars called pear and cherry slugs. Spray with Success or dust with wood ash.
- In areas with acid soil, prepare sweet pea beds with lime or dolomite.
- Pick pumpkins (leaving a small amount of stalk attached) after stalk browns, then store in a cool, shady, dry place.
- Prune hydrangeas either this month, or wait until mid-winter.
- Dollar spot is a fungal disease that leaves small, even, round (silver dollar-sized) patches. Treat with Bayleton.
- Plant aquilegias, cinerarias, cyclamen, polyanthus, primulas, pansies and violas in semi shaded garden spots.
- Choose freesias, babianas, ixias, Spanish bluebells and ornithogalums for gardens in warmer areas.
- SEEDS TO SOW: Cineraria, Nemesia, Sweet Peas, Virginian Stock, Peas, Carrots, Broccoli, Beetroot, Lettuce, Turnips