Home > News > Citrus Leaf Curl

Someone told me me the other day that leafes on citrus tree is curling up. And they have asked what should they do. Because its a quet common problem so I’ve desided to try to give some advise on our site.

First Reason: Drought

Drought stress is the most common cause of leaf curl in citrus, but also the easiest to remedy. If leaves begin to curl inward while retaining their green coloration and the soil around your tree feels dry to the touch, you’re not watering enough. Stepping up watering efforts and applying two to four inches of an organic mulch to the ground around your citrus plant will help it recover. Wait to fertilize until the tree resumes normal, healthy leaf production.

Second Reason: Pests

Aphids, mites and psyllids feed on citrus leaves by extracting the juices directly from transport tissues. As populations grow, they can cause deformations including curling and cupping in leaves, as well as discoloration. When you notice your citrus leaves are curling, check their undersides carefully for tiny pests feeding in clusters. If you spot them, spray your citrus tree with Pyrethrum, making sure to coat areas where pests were spotted. Repeat this treatment as recomended by manufaturer. And don’t forget to read instruction on the pacage befor aplication.

Citrus leaf miners are another insect pest of citrus, but instead of sucking on leaf juices, the moth larvae tunnel through leaf tissues as they grow. These tunnels are highly visible on leaf surfaces, appearing as undulating white or yellow lines on the green leaf surfaces. You can trea it with Pest Oil.