I know it’s probably something which is out of our lead… However since most of us a down with flue, we decided to give everyone a reminder about it. What everyday steps can I take to stop the spread of germs? Wash your hands often with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub. Avoid...Read More
What to do in: May Pot up basil to grow on an indoor windowsill. In most areas it will die of with winter’s arrival. May’s the last chance to finish planting spring bulbs. In warm, frost-free districts, cut back tibouchinas immediately after they’ve finished flowering. As soon as possible after purchasing lilium bulbs, plant them...Read More
Someone told me me the other day that leafes on citrus tree is curling up. And they have asked what should they do. Because its a quet common problem so I’ve desided to try to give some advise on our site. First Reason: Drought Drought stress is the most common cause of leaf curl in...Read More
What to do in: April Check chrysanthemums for aphid attack. Spray with pyrethrum. Prepare beds for new roses and deciduous trees by digging in organic compost. This is a good time to cut back perennials that have finished flowering, and divide established clumps. Finish sweet pea planting. Spray annual weeds with Weedkiller before they go...Read More
Dose it look Familiar 🙂 Little one had a visit and made something like this 🙂 And you have nothing handy at home. Well don’t rush to shop just yet! Try this: Just make a paste with baking soda and water. Gently scrub the crayon marks with the paste.Read More
What to do in: March Autumn is the best time of the year for planting trees and shrubs. They have time to establish before the cold weather really hits. Check cherry, pear and hawthorn trees for the slimy black caterpillars called pear and cherry slugs. Spray with Success or dust with wood ash. In areas...Read More
Thinking of getting a lawn mower? We have a little guide for you. However before you go ahead and continue reading it, just think about this. Most lawn moving services, on average, for back and front yard will cost you approximately $60 – $80 and a good lawnmower around $900 and don’t forget a whipper...Read More
What to do in: February Mulch all garden beds to conserve precious moisture. It’s best to use organic material like old manure, lucerne hay or mushroom compost. Apply Ready-to-use Rose Spray regularly to control pest and disease problems on roses. Keep white fly numbers under control by regularly spraying with pyrethrum. Check citrus trees for...Read More
Sydney City Property Care Specializes in Complete Garden Maintenance, Facility Maintenance, Strata Maintenance. As well carpet cleaning, domestic cleaning and most of your household cleaning needs.